3.5次元 · 異空間(諸神黃昏) 3.5 Dimensional – Hyperspace (Twilight of the Gods) – ART TAIPEI OVR 台北國際藝術博覽會線上展廳
Home Gallery Linda Gallery Allen TANG 3.5 Dimensional - Hyperspace (Twilight of the Gods)

3.5 Dimensional - Hyperspace (Twilight of the Gods)

  • Size:122 x 122 cm
  • Material:Oil on Acrylic Board
  • Year:2023
  • Price:US$36,000
  • Depiction:
    For Allen Tang, capturing the flow of time and space in his two-dimensional paintings is central to his exploration of the dialogue between history and modernity. Spanning decades, he has developed a highly adaptable combination of palette knife and acrylic board. The hard, non- permeable properties of acrylic board are essential to Tang's painting philosophy. Layered, chemically treated paints interact with palette knife strokes, creating dynamic lines that convey shifts in light and shadow, providing a strong sense of depth akin to relief. As the palette knife glides across the surface with varying pressure, it reveals the white base underneath, establishing a striking contrast that is both profound and elusive, subtly echoing and recalling the tradition of ancient Chinese seal carving. For Tang, past experiences in interior design continue to influence his creative concepts, driving him to seek a fuller, more multidimensional form of expression. Many of his paintings are not limited to a fixed viewing angle, inviting viewers to engage from multiple perspectives and explore the influences and transformations within Singapore's artistic landscape.

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