~ Under every foot there is soil, so I paint from the soil ~.
People have always lived in search of happiness.
Recently, I have been interested in the thoughts of the Jomon people, who lived on the earth for more than 10,000 years without conflict and with a sincere attitude toward nature.
I think we can relate to what they found beautiful. They created on the earth, but I paint from the earth on a canvas.
Why do people create? Why do people paint? What is happiness for people?
There is soil at the foot of everything, and that is why I paint from the soil. I believe that the essence of what is natural will sprout on the basis of this continuity.
Kenpei Yunde
He believes that all the things in this world are born from the soil and exist on it. No matter what he paints with oil, he starts by putting the color of the soil on canvas. After the first layer, he repeats the process of glazing and scraping more than 50 layers and spends one whole year to complete. In his words, he paints as if he feeds a crop; starts from cultivating the soil, and spreading seed, giving water, putting the layers of the four seasons, and finally harvests after a year. Every work he paints has its own one year’s process to grow.He expresses a Japanese beauty based on the culture in the thick and sculpture-like texture, asking himself about human activities. In contrast to the oil painting, the improvised drawing works represent his descriptive ability and reflect the presence in the field.