André Kneib is a calligrapher, painter and sinologist who lives and works between Paris, Puberg (67) and China. As art historian Stephen J. Golberg indicates in the work "André Kneib and the Art of Chinese Calligraphy" summarizing the artist's career dating back thirty years, the work of André Kneib puts Sinocentrism and Western-centrism back to back, by putting today “Chinese and European artistic institutions faced with the reality of multicultural life”, in other words, faced with the inevitable transculturality induced by globalization. This is demonstrated on the one hand by the traveling exhibition of his work composed of 100 sinograms of the heart (心, xin) which began in 2015 in Chongqing (before going to Chengdu, Canton, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Qingdao , Haerbin and Beijing at the end of 2017), and on the other hand, the integration into its permanent collections by the Museum of Fine Art in Boston (USA) of three works by the artist.